The Recruiting Gap

“In the U.S., there are, by our estimates, more than 27 million hidden workers." — Hidden Workers: Untapped Talent study

Recruiting has never been an easy challenge, and with the current talent shortage the search for great employees has become exponentially tougher. Companies are forced to take a deep look at their recruiting processes and find new and best practices for attracting and retaining candidates. Despite the urgent need to fill roles, there is a yawning gap in search techniques – a gap Harrison National Employment has found a way to resolve.

In a recent study conducted by Harvard Business School and information technology company Accenture plc, it was discovered that despite the fact companies are struggling to find qualified employees there exists a growing number of unemployed or under-employed who are eager to work. How did this happen? The increase in the influx of responses per job opening has created a need for a way to vet the ever-increasing “stack” of resumes. The way companies respond to this problem is by implementing artificial intelligence (AI) programs to do up-front search which has proven successful to a point, and particularly in the search the larger pool of qualified passive candidates.

According to a Harvard/Accenture study, 88% of employers reported that qualified high-skill candidates are vetted out of the process because they do not match the exact criteria established by the job description.

AI is a powerful tool, but it falls short. How do you reach the candidates that are qualified, eager to work, but may have some missing pieces to their resumes which forces AI to immediately reject them as candidates? And what about the fact people aren’t their resumes? What about the nuances of intellect, cultural fit, and general drive?

HNE’s answer is the human touch.

Our recruiters reach out to understand gaps in a candidate’s employment history, without eliminating them from the process unconditionally. HNE has focused on always incorporating the human touch—in turn, reaping the benefits of finding highly-skilled candidates who are not being tapped by other companies.

Research from resume writing service TopResume found that 43% of job applicants have submitted resumes that were not compatible with ATS software and were therefore, not considered.

If your recruitment team is stretched and hitting walls in finding excellent candidates, consider talking to one of our team members. We are successfully reaching candidates and creating talented teams for our clients. Isn’t it time you made recruiting easier?


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